Volunteering Opportunities:
Volunteer ESOL tutor
ESOL classes: Mon and Fri 9:30 -11:30am
The Senior Citizens Club volunteers
Weds 1-3pm Meet at 110 Union Road where they have much together. You could help with that or think about an activity they could do afterwards with a little help from you.
Refugee Network Lunch Club volunteers The Gleaning Store / Foodbank.
After Schools Club volunteers - can choose any day
Mon – Fri 3:30 – 6pm After Schools Club 4-11years – generally help out with school pick ups and play activities.
Adventure Playground & Youth Centre volunteers
Help to supervise the kids 4-15 years inside or outside (within the premises).
Flexible times - An inspirational gardener to work with small groups of children and young people to help them to understand more about horticulture
Flexible times will work with the director, as well as other staff and volunteers to research, source and apply for funding.
Solar Panels: We are also looking for a volunteer to help us to link up our solar panels as we want to become more environmentally friendly and use the renewable energy.